GSA and SeaPort-e
NS Software Services offers products and services under GSA and SeaPort-e contract vehicles. Both of these contracts are for government procurements for products and services related to software development/maintenance, training development and learning management system proucts, information technology professional services, management/consultant services, logistics subject matter experts, and information technology training capabilites.
Information Technology
Our Information Technology and Software Engineering Depratments have strong, proven track records of high quality product delivery with unquestionable customer satisfaction through our Extreme Programming (XP) and Agile Software Development coupled with our customer-driven approach. We accomplish this level of quality service by provding mission critical and redundant design solutions via cutting-edge standards and best practices for net-centric products and webservices.
Metrology and Calibration
Our metrology engineering and calibration scientific services are world class. We provide end-to-end research, development, analysis, and risk assesment of acquisition processes as it pertains to test measurment and diagnostic equipment, automatic test equipment, embedded test equipment, calibration equipment, and testing techniques.